Permanent Weight Loss: 7 Easy Diet Strategies That Melt Fat Once and for ALL

Permanent Weight Loss: 7 Easy Diet Strategies That Melt Fat Once and for ALL

Permanent Weight Loss: 7 Easy Diet Strategies That Melt Fat Once and for ALL
By Marlene Taylor

Healthy eating and lifestyle changes will help melt fat, once and for all. The following diet strategies outline easy steps for permanent weight loss:

1. Drink plenty of water

The body often confuses thirst with hunger. A few glasses of water can curb hunger pangs. Instead of loading up on sugary snacks, drink water instead. If plain water fails to satisfy, try drinking flavored water or iced fruit teas.

2. Beware of nighttime snacks

Snaking while watching T.V. may seem harmless. Unfortunately, those calories quickly add up. Nighttime snacking usually occurs after the evening meal. Close your kitchen at a certain time. This will prevent those late night binges. If hunger strikes, treat yourself to healthy snacks like carrot sticks with dip or yogurt.

3. Enjoy favorite foods in moderation

Don’t deprive yourself of favorite foods. Learn to eat your fatty favorites in moderation. Instead of shopping for full bags of candy, choose a handful from bulk bins. You don’t need to purchase a whole cake. Select single portion baked goods. You’ll still be able to enjoy snacks without overeating-practice moderation.

4. Munch on mini-meals throughout the day

Weight loss occurs by eating fewer calories than you burn. If you feel hungry all day, sticking to a diet can be difficult. Instead of eating the traditional three meals a day, eat 4-5 mini-meals. Research proves that eating frequent small meals controls hunger.

5. Eat protein with every meal

Protein will help you feel full longer. Fats and carbs fall short when it comes to satisfying hunger. Protein builds muscle mass and helps facilitate metabolism. Add healthy proteins to your mini-meals. Eggs, cheese, nuts, or lean meats will do nicely.

6. Jazz up meal selections with spices

Add some excitement to boring meals with spices. Spices enhance flavor and tickle your taste buds. A splash of apple cider vinegar or pepper will stimulate your pallet. Spicy foods can be very satisfying.

7. Trade pasta for steamed veggies

Consuming less pasta and bread may knock off a few waistline inches. Replacing pasta with steamed veggies can slash 100-200 calories from the diet. Reduce your starch intake and increase vegetable portions for permanent weight loss.

Permanent weight loss is fairly easy, if you follow these strageties. Remember to consult your physician before starting a diet regiment.

Freelance health writer Marlene Taylor writes about diet, nutrition, alternative health, mental health, life coaching, business and relationships. She can be contacted on through Champion Communications.

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